Sneak peaks (:

Nobody's Home (An Alex Greenwald story (: )
To Alex, they all looked the same. Mot of them were blonde, bleach blonde, obviously not natural. They looked snobby, like they thought their shit don't stink. But one girl stuck out. She was the opposite of the rest. She had 'scene' hair, bright orange hair like Hayley Williams from Paramore, thin pouty lips with a Monroe Piercing in on her upper right lip. Se also had a small barbell through her eyebrow. She looked more relaxed than h other girls, like she knew her shit stank. On the seating chart, Alex saw that her name was Corinne Nelson. Corinne. He liked that name. It fit her too.
"Okay uh... my name is Alex... Alex Greenwald..." He said to the small group of people.
"Hello, Mr. Greenwald." The kids, minus Corinne, seemed to say in unison.
"Hell, call me Alex. Mr. Greenwald is my grandfather.." He said.
Unnamed Story in which Ryan Ross is a chimo. Trust me, it would happen.
Brendon Urie enters his friend and onetime band mate, Ryan Ross' hose at two-thirty one Sunday afternoon. The only reason Brendon decided to go to Ryan's is because he wouldn't answer his phone and that was not like Ryan Ross. He hadn't answered his phone since Bella died...
The house is erringly silent and feels to Brendon like a catalog. Shotgun and Banjo, the beagle that Ryan had bought with Bella (kind of a Ryan girlfriend tradition) or Ringo, his cat, hadn't been fed which is also not like Ryan Ross. Brendon bends down to pet he beagles, carefully scratching behind their ears.
"Where's Ryan Banjo?" Brendon asks the smallest puppy, scratching with both hands. Banjo and Shotgun both run to the bottom of the stairs, but won't go up any further. Brendon frowns and walks up the stairs slowly, taking each step carefully, counting his steps. Forty-two white steps later....
The Warned Sequel (which has no title right now)

"I have to kill him, Sophia."
"I'm doing this for us!"
"I love you Sophia!"
Sophia sat up, screaming, drenched in sweat, sobbing. She looked around the room, screaming for her husband, Ryan. The door burst open and at first, Sophia couldn't tell if it was Ryan or not, it made her sob and scream more. The light turned on and Ryan slid to his knees in front of Sophia, in front of the bed He grabbed her face and smoothed out her hair.
"Baby, baby, what is it? Another nightmare?" Ryan asked in a hushed panicked voice. She nodded.
"Where were you? I was screaming for you." She sobbed. Ryan kissed her head and sat on the edge on the bed, holding her close.
"I was in the studio with the guys. I couldn't hear you." He cooed in her ear. "Why are you having these nightmares again?" Ryan asked. "It's been eight fucking years sine it happened Sophia." He whispered. "He can't hurt us now." Ryan whispered. Sophia nodded against him.
A Hayley Williams slash (might be one shot, might not) (come on, every girl has to have a girl crush on her)
I'd seen countless boys and girls flirt with her and she never paid much attention to it, especially the girls. Of course this gave me the impression that she was straight... until that fateful night.
"Kayla!" Hayley yelled, running into the room. It was obvious that she had a few, maybe ten drinks, but I didn't care. I was just ecstatic that she was paying attention to me.
"Hey Hayles." I said.
"Ka, Kay, Kayl, Kayla." She said, wrapping her arms around me. My heart beat faster at her touch. "I gotta talk to you." She slurred.
"Um okay. let's talk." I said. She shook her head.
"Not here." She said, dragging me into the bunk area. She slammed me against the wall. "There's something I gotta tell you." She said. I nodded and opened my mouth to ask what that was when she covered my mouth with hers. the kiss was sloppy and wet, desperate.

So, which would you guys rather I continue with?
October 22nd, 2009 at 07:19pm