The Rantings of a teenage girl

Love - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker

why do we all crave love so badly? is it because we are so insecure with ourselves that we seek out the proper person who can make us feel better? someone who can constantly tell us how perfect and flawless we are even though we know theyre lying? Honestly why do we put overselves through the misery and pain of going through one failing relationship after another? Is it because we are all secretly masochists and enjoy heart ache? Or is because we crave love and affection so badly that we are able to risk the possibility of getting hurt in the hopes of finding someone to truly love us? Honestly why put yewrself out there if theres that risk of being hurt again and again? When yew stop and think about it, is it really worth it? The pain, the agony, the feeling of being worthless, pathetic, not good enough?. Maybe love really isnt worth it in the end. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.
October 22nd, 2009 at 08:26pm