I saw the most beautiful thing. [Involves a story about My Chem and a question.]

Now, keep in mind that this happened a while ago, back when My Chemical Romance were still touring.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I like My Chemical Romance. Now, I’m not a completely obsessed fan, but I do like their music.

Anyway, I was looking through their @replies on Twitter (as you do) and I saw something…that I thought was pretty stunning. I’ll tell you the story.

There was this girl, a girl on Twitter, obviously. Her parents had RIPPED UP her ticket to go see My Chemical Romance. Her tweets said she was crying.

Then, her friend - another user - had @replied to one of the My Chemical Romance guys, telling them the story. And after she had done that, she reassured her friend that everything would be alright and that they would do all they can to help.

I found that beautiful, simply because I don’t have it. She has such hope and faith they someone would pull through for her and her friend.

I can’t remember if they did or not, I think I went back onto my own page by that time, but I just found something that I had never seen before.

My question that I’d like to ask is: Do you have that kind of faith? If so, in whom? Some of you will say God, which I respect and all, but it’s not just limited to that. It can be anyone, anyone you have taken a risk and put faith in.

I also want to know if they pulled through for you, so that I can find my own type of faith.

[And I also think it's quite funny that this happened earlier in the year, and I'd forgotten it right until last night. Right until I had no one to go to.]
October 22nd, 2009 at 11:11pm