Since When Is Being A Vegetarian A Bad Thing?

For the past week, people have been nagging me about being a vegetarian. Really, I don't mind if you share your views on it. But when you start telling me I'm wrong, then I get mad.

"Animals are there for a reason"
"There gonna die anyways"
"Well, you know 1 million vegetarians, isnt going to change the 10 billion meat eaters"
"Here eat some jerky"

That's what I'm constantly hearing,
That, and they call me weird. Well I'm sorry for not wanting to eat something with a face, and its just awkward.

Like, how would you feel if somebody ate your mom for dinner?

I'm not trying to sound like a total bitch, or like preaching to the choir, but really? It's my life, let me live it my way.


P.S. There is nothing to eat at school lunch either!

P.P.S I just found out my friend Jacob doesn't eat red meat.

P.P.P.S. I just burpedm
October 24th, 2009 at 02:31am