Happy Early Halloween! (plus a tiny tangent)

Oh my Goshes, I'm so freaking excited for Halloween!

Last year for Halloween, I was working at a haunted house called Valentown Spooktacular and that took up my entire Halloween night; now this year it's free and I do what I please (almost) lol.

On the 30th, I'm volunteering for a costume ball in order to raise money for Valentown Hall (the place where I work) It's gonna be soooooooo cool! My costume for the ball and for this year is a Greek Goddess; you can see what it looks like below, VV

Anyways, this year on Halloween night, I'm planning to go out with my boyfriend and our little gang (hopefully this'll include Freya1025 and VampireLover666 if they can go) and grab some pizza and them do some trick r' treatin! After that, (and if it's a definite 100% yes), VampireLover666 and I will end up spending the night at Freya1025's house to spend the night. Morover, the next day we'll go to the mall and chill. Whoot whoot! :)

Now, the costume that I am wearing this year is very modest compared to other Halloween costumes. Yes it may show a tad of cleavage; but that is nothing compared to these! VV
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I'm sort of sickened by this. Halloween has turned into nothing more than a huge stripper party! They even tainted the Ghostbusters! GHOSTBUSTERS! Plus, what really gets me is that parents of girls MY age actually buy these costumes for their daughters! Seriously?! What the hell are they thinking? Do they not care that their daughter is dressing up like a complete hoochie mama? What is the world coming to?
Now, I know someone is say say something along the lines of "sex sells" and yes it does, but guess what; crack sells, heroin sells, cigarettes sell, it doesn't mean it's always good.
I miss the innocence of Halloween, I really do.*

So I want to know; what do you Mibbians think of Halloween? Do you not care or are you totally in love with it? What are you dressing up as? Are you dressing up at all? What's your opinion on teen girl's and women's costumes: do you find them degrading and trashy like I do or do you not give a crap.

Leave a comment and let me know.
Happy Halloween!

*note: this little tangent above is my personal opinion alone, please do not try and tear me down on it. Thanks.
October 25th, 2009 at 02:54am