rant of 10.26.09

We've all got our scars and we've all got our battle wounds, but must every tale be unraveled. I have stories about my past that I'm not so proud of but don't we all?My hands are scarred from secrets of the past and everyone of them has a tale behind them. We all have emotional scars that have dug deep holes into our hearts. But the honest truth is I wouldn't go back and change any of my past at all. I have reasons though (I always try too). My first reason would be if I didn't have my past I wouldn't be who I am today, of coarse no matter where I stand in life or how happy I am I always end up with the 'ifs'. If I hadn't done this what would my life really be like (the ifs really get to you sometimes too you know?). My second reason is I can know what not to do later in life. I mean sometimes learning the hard way is the only way to go. When you were little and you touched the stove and you got a burn did you touch the stove again ... hopefully no. I'm not saying it's always a burn, sometimes it's a broken arm or a broken heart, either way you got to heal. Healing is always a difficult prossess. We can't change our past can we. But we can heal our burns or cover up our scars. ... But do we really need to rid ourselves of our past? No matter how painful it may sometimes be, I'm sort of glad my past is where it's at.

We've all got our tales and we either appreciate them or we fight them. Fighting won't do us any good now will it. Though it sometimes makes us feel better. It's like a little sibling ... no matter how much you fight them or yell at them they won't leave ... they will always be your sibling ... always there.

The past wasn't ment to haunt you ...
October 26th, 2009 at 10:45pm