Maybe Real Life Happens After Death.

The good ones die young; That is a saying that is all too true. She was the sweetest, most innocent girl. She had been fighting since she was nine years old, but cancer's a weathered fighter. October 25, 2009, it got the best of her. She was thirteen years old, and had never gotten a chance to live. She had bent over backward to help others, had smiled through it all; the pain, the sadness, the medication, the loneliness, and the recoveries. I say this, but I can't say I knew her. The most we had was a conversation or two, about the weather, or her treatment. Even though we didn't know each other well, and she was two years younger than me, I look up to her. Her strength against this disease, and her positive attitude baffled the minds of many people. She never gave up, and had she had a fair chance, she would still be fighting. Through her fight, groups had been formed to support her, and raise money for cancer research, which is now helping hundreds of other brave people. Her time was short, but her heart was big. Maybe the good ones die young because they have left their mark. They have completed what they were sent to Earth to do, and were allowed to move on to something more; something better. I've never been a serious believer in a god, and my views have always changed on a day-to-day basis. Upon hearing the news, I felt as though there couldn't be anyone higher, protecting us as humans, but this thought makes me feel as if there really is someone watching; waiting for us to make our mark, before it's time to go. Maybe real life happens after death.

She will be remembered in the hearts, and minds of thousands, and her soul and spirit will live on. Rest in peace, sweetie.
October 27th, 2009 at 03:01am