Stuck.. Yay!

I'm stuck. That's it. I'm just stuck and can't get any more words out of my head. This autobiography was due Monday. It's Friday... yea my rough draft is kinda late... so well, I guess I'm in trouble. I don't know, she hasn't said anything to me. Who knows. It's almost Halloween. I'm excited! I finally got my entire costume together. I'm going as Magenta from Rocky Horror Picture Show. I had to rent the maid's outfit from the costume shop at college. Kinda sad that I can't even afford a costume at this moment, but i can buy airplane tickets to New York. I'm really excited about that. Me and G. are going for spring break. Everyone has asked us, "Why aren't you going to Cancun or somewhere like that?" But we're not like that. We aren't the type to go to Cancun and flounce around in bikinis on beaches. We'd like to go to a beach, but we wanted to go to New York more so that's what we chose. Welllll, that's all I got right now. Sorry it's so random, I just type whatever is in my head. Later!
October 31st, 2009 at 01:18am