My Computer Really Stinks. (Plus some rant)

Mibba is being really slow tonight. I don't know why, usually it is really fast. My computer is usually slow and stupid, but tonight it's being exceptionally retarded. It has already frozen like three times while I am trying to type this and it's what? The forth sentence? Ugh. Well, it's better than nothing, eh?

So I guess my last journal wasn't the last one before the horrid blogs came along. I am really curious as to how they are going to be done. And I also don't understand how they can't just start moderating these journals. How are blogs going to really change anything that couldn't have been done here? I know that those new template things are a big change, but I don't really care about that. It's about content, isn't it? Well it's supposed to be. And I heard its going to be CSS. I personally am not that good at CSS. I just learned how to temper with some things in my profile, but still, I just don't know.

My mom has been watching scary movies all day and I am trying to ignore them. I really hate scary movies with a burning passion. I can't stand them. The littlest thing can keep me from sleeping for days. I already can't fall asleep without my closet light on and my desk light. So call me a wuss, but I don't really care. Horror just doesn't float my boat.

I live really close to this pretty cool amusement park. It doesn't seem to special to me, but of course I go to it daily in the summer, so it can get old. I'm sure people who live next to Disney Land get bored with it after a whole, no?

Well, its name is Dorney Park, and I think I would give it an 8-9 on a scale of 1-10, which I think is pretty good. Usually it does a few haunted attractions on weekends up to a week after Halloween. But this year, it has gone way to far. So far, I can't go. Every part of the amusement park is haunted in someway. Children over 13 aren't allowed in after 8pm on weekends. I mean, come on! Is that really necessary? I think not! I haven't spent a good day at the place since end of August, and that just isn't fair! I get a season pass, which lets me go from May until the end of the haunted portion, but for me, its like my season ends two and a half months early! That just is too unfair. >.>

But, I deal. My friends make fun of me and I live with it. Every year on Halloween I just hole up in my room with my phone and ipod and hope to get through the horrid holiday without nightmares. So far I have been able to do so, but I think that I have overheard a little more than I wanted from my mom's scary movie marathon. And every once and a while I tend to glance over at the worst time. I will probably just end up staying on mibba all night, until I am too tired to be scared. (Even though I am usually never too tired to be scared.)

So tomorrow I have practice nice and early. Ugh. I was going to go trick or treating tomorrow night, but everyone did it tonight while I was quarantined for being sick. Apparently towns do it the night before Halloween. I remember when I was a kid, Trick or Treat night would be on the 31st no matter what day of the week it was.

Well, I think this is enough to suffice for effort. Actually I think this is the most I have ever written in a journal. -shrug-

Well, have a great Halloween!


P.S. Why have search tags? I have never searched for a journal, I just read whatever is there.

P.P.S. Please comment. I hate seeing that 40 people have read my journal but only 2 have commented. If it was that interesting to read, it should be enough for you to at least leave a little comment. Thanks!
October 31st, 2009 at 03:59am