The Films I Am Watching Tonight = D

I feel rotten so instead of going to the three parties and pub for a fire display in the middle somewhere as I was planning to, I have stocked up with goodies - biscuits, garlic bread, crisps (normal and honey barbeque), dough balls, cookies and pepperoni pizza - and have decided to light candles in my sitting room (with the electric ones off obviously...), get some sandle wood burning and watch some films!!

The Lost Boys
The Nightmare Before Christmas
("Of course!" I hear you say, "What better night to watch it?")
The Craft
Green Street

And possibly Sweeney Todd, just for the gore factor.

I wish I'd bought The Shining now too as none of those are particularly scary. Ah well, I wish you all a very happy Halloween whether you're out trick or treating, mating, partying, and especially if you're home not feeling very well, like me.

October 31st, 2009 at 07:22pm