Happy Halloween! [My final farewell to the journals.]

First off, I'd like to say that tonight we celebrate one of my very favorite holidays. XD

I've been watching scary movies every night out the ying yang since they've been on TV and they've finally just showed Halloween H2O. My favorite. =D

My mom was all having fits 'cause she couldn't watch it.

So I'm staying home for the first time this year. Gonna dress up like a diva or something and pass out candy to the little ones while our spooky music is playing on the porch. And of course, somewhere along the line of tracks, Michael Jackson's Thriller will be heard. XD I totally wish I knew the dance, I'd stand out there and put on a show for a the trick or treaters. =P

Oh well..

So what is everyone else doing tonight? Lounging around watching movies? Going out? Tell me about it! I'd love to know. =)

I'd also like to say that this will be last journal post here at Mibba, seeing as the journals are coming down soon anyway. Personally, I think this could be a good thing. The blogs look like a nice organized idea. No grief or harm done, really, as long as you save the meaningful journals, as I have done.

I guess that's all.

I'll leave with my Halloween playlist. Songs I think you could enjoy tonight. XD


Michael Jackson - Thriller

Michael Jackson - Somebody's Watching Me

Soundtrack - Jeepers Creepers

The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman

Soundtrack - Friday The 13th Theme

Unknown - Ghost Busters
November 1st, 2009 at 12:10am