So. I'm 15 and getting a corset piercing.

yeupp. Technically, I'll be sixteen when I get it done, but its been promised to me today for my birthday. I asked my dad and showed him a picture of what they looked like and he seems cool with it. We went to a local Tattoo and Piercing shoppe and the guy said that as long as my dad signed off on it and was present when I got it done, he'd do it for me. I'm actually the first few that have asked this year, and am the youngest! Hah!

But I heard it hurts a buttload for the first couple piercings, and that I'm not too keen on experiencing, I've always said - pain hurts, but is usually temporary. x3

for those who may ask:
A corset piercing looks kind of like... a "shoelace" effect design, where there are small hoops pierced into two lines down the sides of your back. They then take some lace (any color you like, haha!) and string it through the hoops in wide X's and tie it so it doesn't fall out. It looks really pretty, and I hear you can get them done on the back of your legs too, but I don't plan on doing that. I like my legs too much. D:


Other than that, I'm happy to announce that I'm actually getting a good head start in NaNoWriMo this year. Last year, I had not idea to start with and imspiration or motivation whatsoever. This year, I've found the perfect solution.

I go to the Write or Die website, put in my goal information for that session, and turn my speakers up as loud as they can go. Since Write or Die plays a crazy surprise sound that pretty much gives you a heart attach when you take too long of a break from writing for that session, the threat of a blast of noise through my skull has been motivation enough. Luckily, I haven't had the pleasure of hearing that sound, since I've been able to push myself to write consistently without going back to edit - something people on the NaNoWriMo website encourage. (Apparently editing is for December guys, heh)

So anyways. I've got 1168 words in the past two hours. I'm about to do more after this journal.

How's your NaNo going so far? :]
November 1st, 2009 at 10:39pm