
Somehow, I've felt that maybe I'm not loved enough. And it's by this certain person who I consider my BEST friend. But... he never thought of me this way. He says that I'm just his friend. Maybe I'm just selfish and asking too much...

I guess we used to date before and well we broke up because of the distance, and that kind of ruined the friendship since we were close before. But. There's this girl he dated before and broke up due to distance, yet they managed to still be good frieinds.

Even on Facebook, I barely have any friends so I wanted him to comment on my page or something so we can maybe start a conversation, and he says that he'll do it when he has time. In the end he never commented on anything of mines but has all the time to do so on everyone elses. You know the Top Friends thing on Facebook? He chose his ex (who rarely talks to him now) to be on the list, and I (who talk to him almost all the time) am not on the list.

I dunno, but I guess I'm just mad at the fact that we've been friends for maybe about 3 years, and yet he never thought of me as a friend the same way I see him.

Do you think I'm being selfish?
November 3rd, 2009 at 04:57am