Boy Trouble;;; What to do!?!?

Okay so0o00 im like new to this journal stuff lol! But yeah today was an okay day; um I'm having a lot of boy problems! like who to choose! have that ever happened to you? um it has actually happened to me a lot but whatever. I have a boyfriend and most my friends don't want me with him, they tell me he's a jerk and whatnot i mean i really really like him and i don't wanna leave him because a few people told me so! so far we've been together for almost two months and he's been just fine with me! i mean we got into a few arguments but not in the point of braking up! Now i get kind off jealous when some chick (not gonna say name) is always flirting with him, and then i asked her if she liked him and she's like no! the problem is that he liked her before dating me and i feel like if his feelings for her never went away and it bugs me because if he doesn't like me like he tells me he does then why is he with me? i mean its not like i will never find someone else! Now there is this guy which i met at six flags who is like gorgeous and i got his number; now we have been texting for a week or so and he like has a crush on me, and i kinda probably have one on him, but now I'm like stuck in this love thingy cause i have no idea what's gonna happen! and this guy is a very good guy of what it sounds like. He has a job, he finished school (hes not old hes turning 18 soon), he drives, and he's outgoing and sweet, um both him and my boyfriend smoke so it's actually something i don't like about them, but i cant deal with it. Anyways the hot kid thinks I'm single,
I'm scared that if i tell him i have a boyfriend I'm gonna loose him and we wont have that bond like we have now. On the other hand my boyfriend doesn't know about him, I'm scared if i tell him bout Mr. hottie he would like flip out and die lol! Anyways ill get back at you guys when something else interesting happens! Buh-bye.
November 4th, 2009 at 11:48pm