PS, I'm a Scorpio

BIG and important english vocab test today. It has to do with the words that Mrs. Umbridge gave us on a yellow sheet. And just to fill you in on a small and useless fact, Mrs. Umbrigde is famous for her colored sheets, preferably the pink ones- another reason to hate the color pink.

Back to the task at hand, with play practice from 7-9 pm, my brothers track meat, and conflicting personal time to myself, guess WHO didn't study for the vocabulary TEST. The same one that is hounding on all of us to be sure that the open ended definitions on this test must be exact; the same words, letter by letter, as on the paper. Anything other than that is either wrong or deducted points.

Back when life was simple (6th grade), we would take simple things like spelling and vocabulary tests. Whenever we got them wrong, Mrs. Whitney would have us rewrite the word and its definintion correctly on a separate sheet of paper... TWENTY-FIVE TIMES. As a simple person, I really didn't want to have to write all of them out twenty-five times. I thought it was useless, stupid, and it didn't even matter that we wrote them- she didn't give us any credit for doing them- she just wanted us to rewrite them to rewrite them!

Thank god for smart teachers like Mrs. Whitney, or else I would've failed a very important test I took a 1/2 hour ago.

From first period to fifth, I rewrote the 21 words and their definitions multiple times on a sheet of paper. I wrote them as many times as I needed to to make sure they were branded into my memory.

Sure, writing 21 words and their meaning on a sheet of paper all day may seem very VERY pointless, but I aced it! I blanked out on one of the easiest words that i needed to study (tremulous-trembling) (and I'm mentally kicking myself, lets not talk about that), but that endless writing payed off.

And as I wrote, so did some other people.

As most of my classmates saw me write, they questioned my sanity. As I explained to them my technique of studying, they saw it as an opportunity for themselves, being that they didn't study, either (who does). So, because of Mrs. Whitney, half of my English class passed this test with FLYING colors because of following my study technique.

You have far more influence than you realize! Everything depends on what you do early today. Maybe you can see it all coming or perhaps you know you have to wing it, but either way you can win big!

That's right.

Sincerely yours,
November 5th, 2009 at 07:42pm