Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I will be getting to it soon. I have been getting ready for my sister's wedding for the last two day and I felt really bad when I couldn't update.

So I am going to probably (I'm not sure,) update three times or so.

We'll see how the chapters go, THEN I will know if I can or not.

But for now yah.

Yesterday my Sister and Her fiances SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME!

I was just walking and thinking about my story down the hill to Sin's house, and they pop out screaming out of FUCKING NOWHERE!

I got pissed off after they made me scream.

Storming off I reached Sin's house and I was mad at them for doing that, I almost had the perfect idea for my story!!!!

AND THEY STOLE IT FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More like while wiped my mind of the fact that I had an idea.

Enough of me rambling.

November 7th, 2009 at 03:01pm