More ranting.

So its November.
The seventh of the month.
I hate November.
I used to love November.
Not anymore.
I broke up with my boyfriend.
I sort of wish I didn't.
I never thought he'd say the things
he's said to me.
I used to have a best friend.
Her name is Brooke.
She pisses me off beyond belief.
I can't stand most girls.
SAD disorder isn't fun, yo.
I feel like shit all the time.
I'm listening to Bright Eyes.
Why aren't you?
Conor Oberst is a god.
So I have to put effort into my journal, eh?
I don't really put effort into anything.
Sorry, Mibba staff.
Speaking of which...
I don't quite get this whole new
points system.
Oh well.
They're not going to change it because
people don't like / get it.
Autumn / Winter makes me want
a boyfriend.
Sorry, Mike.
Not really.
You know, it's crazy.
You think you love someone.
Then you realize you only love
the attention they give you.
So you break up with them.
And they end up breaking your heart.
Then a week later
have another girl on their arm.
"But a girl in your arms won't make you a man"
says Anthony Raneri.
He's right.
Except I don't feel real
without someone else
to care about me.
I don't know.
This is stupid.
Sorry, Mibba staff.
There is no effort behind this.
If anyone reads this
and they absorb one sentence
let it be:
No one will love you until you love yourself.
Please love yourselves, guys.
November 7th, 2009 at 10:43pm