Hiding behind a mask.

I always tell my friends and people I meet that I enjoy life, I'm the most positive person you will ever meet and nothing will get my down. Wrong.

At school, I sometimes live behind a mask. I act all happy when really I feel crap. I look at people and I see them laughing or smiling with each other and I always wish I could have that. I don't know if I have it as I never know if people truly like me or are just pretending because they feel sorry for me.

Everyone around me, seems to have that particular one person they can talk to about anything. I don't have one, and most likely never will. I'll be sitting with some people, and all of sudden they will start whispering and glancing over at me. Most likely, talking about me like I'm some piece of s**t.

Some people don't realise that other people have feelings, and that they are exactly the same.

I want someone I can talk to about anything, someone to make me feel wanted and cared for, and like I belong somewhere, as sometimes, I feel as if nobody wants me here. Mainly because I keep getting wished dead by my sister, wait, twin. The person who is my basically my clone, apart from a small 0.01%. At the moment, she seems the person who hates me the most and wants be gone. Who'd ever thought someone could sink that low?
November 8th, 2009 at 05:40pm