Stay with me; safe and ignorant.

Is something wrong with me, as of late?
My thoughts have become pretty warped.
I mean, I have a skeleton fetish, sort-of.
I really enjoy the look of a boy who looks like he's on cocaine, skin-on-bones type of look.
And I have a rib-cage fetish, apparently. Long, lean rib-cages.

Overall, my thoughts have been influence by the likes of Danzig, Graves, Goolsby and Wednesday 13.

a.k.a, 'horrorpunk' writers.
Feed my lion, much?

I guess I'm ranting about something I honestly don't have a problem with, I'm a bit in love with the insane lately. My poems and new One-Shot add truth to my point, but I doubt anyone gives a snap about looking em up.

I'm interested in interesting stories lately,
So if you have any stories that are 10 chapters or less and need comments/feedback on, I'll be proud to read em.

Beats the hell out of doing laundry.
November 8th, 2009 at 10:35pm