Needs vs. Wants

Some people Say needs are different than wants.
I can't make up my mind.
They say "a need is something that you desire, and a want is something you want."
I think you can want something you desire.

Some people want something they love.
but you can need something you love, too.
I don't see much of a difference.
the only difference I see is in the spelling.

I do know, a need is something you need,
and a want is something you want.
But what i think is, you can need something you want
and you can want something you need.

I know, they sound like they mean the same thing, and you might be right.
so here is my question of the day:
What do you think of needs vs. wants? Do you think they mean the same thing, or something different? and why do you feel that way?
November 8th, 2009 at 11:44pm