am i really serious about writing?...

some people ask me what i'd like to do be when i'm older.i used to say the same old childish know,the usual stuff;singer,dancer,princess and all that.well,im fourteen now and ive finally realized what i wana do.i'd love to become a poet or a journalist.poetry is defaintly a big part of me.and i love telling everyone about what's really going on in this world and my views about it.i'm sure people will disagree,but that's one of the reasons why it's so interesting to me.i intend on going to college.i'm unsure of which one yet,though.i've loved writing since i was in sixth inspiration started when i was watching "degrassi." i really didn't expect it to have such an effect on me.elle nash,one of the characters is a journalist for the newspaper.i loved the idea of putting a pen of paper and making the words come then i began to write myself.i'm in eighth grade now so it's been at least two years now since i found my dream.when i get to high school i plan on writing for the paper just like she did.later on,i hope to get excepted into a writing school for accelerated writers.i mean,sure i may not be the best,but with my determination and faith i can prevale and become very would make me happy if i had more success than my father ever did,he's made many mistakes and his life was put off track because he gave into peer pressure and started drugs.he became intense and later on abusive,depressed,and an alcoholic.i do not want to be like him.even though my love for him will never leave my heart,he's not my idol.i'd love for someone to say "she's such an amazing,exquiste writer." i'm always going to follow my dreams no matter how many problems i may go through.please comment this journal because i really did spend alot of time on this.i just thought this would be interesting for some people to read.i love you.(:
November 10th, 2009 at 02:24am