
I hate having an older half brother. I envy people who dont have siblings because they get all the attition from their parents, but the bad thing is that they dont have any aolder/younger brothers/sisters to be with. Even though they always fight and bitch at eachother. Atleast they have someone to be with. Though they fight and everything they will always love eachother.

For me, my older brother is the bitch between the two of us. Though he doesnt live at home you would expect a call, email or something from him once in a while. None at all. I've only seen hime once since he moves out eight years ago, maybe a few of calls and 5 or so emails. That just proves that he doesnt care about me at all. I'm pretty sure all he thinks about me is that i'm the bad sibling that does ALL the bad things and starts everything. 96% or so of the time, I think he started it.

Thats what i thing and expereance about Siblings
November 10th, 2009 at 02:59am