It's Been A While. (:

Hello my fellow Mibba members.

I am very sorry that I have not been writing and updating lately. My mind has been else where for the past few months. I have been worrying about my moms fiance who was in Iraq. Thankfully he is back and safe. I can not wait to see him again. When my mom found out he was back, she flipped. It was the funniest thing.

Also school is getting in the way a bit with my writing. Both on Mibba and Quizilla. It takes me a while to update here and there because my mind is not set on my stories as of now. For the past few months I have been attempting to write my own novel. I took a break for a month due to writers block, but I am proud to say that I am working on my fourth chapter.

All my friends are reading it as I go along, and they are some of the pickiest readers I know. They have been giving me so much good feedback on it that it makes me want to continue it.

So once again, I am sorry for not updating my story on here in so long. I promise, that as soon as I find the inspiration for the next chapter, I will update. Hopefully it will soon.

Thank you guys!

November 10th, 2009 at 03:42am