Urban Dictionary

OK, the Urban Dictionary has to be one of my FAVOURITE sites, EVER. Yes i'm sad, but it is HILARIOUS!
It all started on that fateful day when my mate decided, randomly, to search my name on the Urban Dictionary, and the results were...hilariously strange, shall we say.

Here are a couple:

The less crude way of calling someone a harlot/slut:
"Damn! Don't you just hate that girl? She's such a Charlotte..."

Someone who puts tissue or other objects down her top:
"Ha, look at that charlotte, those aren't real, probably a set of potatoes..."

These ones aren't as funny as some others, as they are a lot ruder...
Anyway, i searched my friends names on this site and was literally rolling on the floor laughing.
Maybe i have a ticklish funny bone, or maybe i'm just plain weird!
Who knows?

Anyway, have a go yourself, it's something to do when bored or avoiding coursework/homework!

If you find any good ones, let me know and feel free to comment!


Charlie x
November 10th, 2009 at 11:02pm