Love Scenes

You know what I kind of dislike in movies and/or TV shows?

Love scenes.

Now, usually I don't mind them if I'm alone cause then it doesn't get awkward and uncomfortable.
As well as the fact that I was watching season 1 of Skins like a year ago (I was like 15 or something) and it came to a part where Anwar - a guy - was with this girl and then she slipped his hand up her dress and then she put her hand down his pants.
Not exactly PG rated. But it wasn't that bad. Come on, there's worse stuff than that out there.

But my father just so happens to walk into the room. And I was like yeah, that's great, one of the worst parts he can walk in. And then he demanded what I was watching, demanded the remote, switched the channel and told me to go to bed early. He also started having a conversation with my Mum about it. I heard the whole thing. It was actually really funny since she didn't really care.
And I also wasn't allowed to watch Skins again. So that's why I bought it when it came out on DVD. As well as season 2. He thinks it's some PG rated show or something.

Love scenes are good, I guess. But I don't exactly like them nor dislike them. They're just there. To add sexiness to the story. Or make you finally scream out loud if it's some awesome love story and the couple have finally done it. Usually I or other people I've noticed just sit there, twiddle their fingers, cough awkwardly in the silence or leave the room to 'go to the bathroom'. Or just bring up casual conversation which probably makes it even worse... way to get through it? Sit there, watch it... and try not to look perverted. I guess.
November 12th, 2009 at 05:03am