Finals for English!!! And much much more haha

-Mr. Gilbert made this final test EASY!!!! He decided for the matching words... (that kinda sounds silly for a final) but he decided to make it one after another... Cant explain it sorry, but then everything else was common sense. lol so i think i got a good grade for my 1ST final of the yr.
-Now hum yesterday i went to Halloween_rejects' Presentation at her school... and it was GR8. i am so proud of her. but sadly i was let out kinda late. So i kinda got there when they started presenting. But Halloween_rejects smile made my day. seeing it as a frown to a big beautiful smile!! It seriously made my day :)
-And also yesterday before the final... we had a review thing to do. And for every "bad word said lol" he would take off POINTS!! Question... Why do Spain guys like the F WORD. and BIT.. word. i have no clue lol but he said that a lot haha. But it was funny... tho!! I have never seen a kid almost get an american A.. woopen form a american girl lol. ( i am not being RACIST or anything ppl.) this is just what happened yesterday!!
-I am starting to like this journal entries on Its pretty cool to express your life to everyone lol
- Have a Good Day every...
------------Bonus Dies omniae!! Latin haha
----------------------------------------------:()------------------ Jordan Dudgeon--------------------------------------
November 12th, 2009 at 08:08pm