Two Story Ideas.

Seeing as these story ideas have been in my head for a few months, and I have a feeling they will probably be there for awhile, I'm writing this journal. I have two ideas, as the title of this journal suggests, and I'd really appreciate your thoughts on them (:

If you haven't checked the status of my story, You Light Up My Life, and/or you haven't read my profile, you probably didn't know that You Light Up My Life and Because Of A Song are in jeopardy of deletion. I hate to do it, but it's the way my thoughts are headed. My profile explains about Because Of A Song, but as for You Light Up My Life, it's simply a matter of I'mJustNotFeelingItAnyMore-itis.

I'm not going to rush into either of these ideas, but rather write at least three chapters before I post the first one, just to make sure I can get into the story and not lose interest in it. Seems logical, right?

I'll still be working on Finding Jane, no worries. That one is definately staying. As for Chasing Fireflies, my two-shot, it's being put on the back burner for awhile. I'm hoping to get the second part out by the end of December.

Now, without further ado, I present to you my two story ideas:

Beauty In The Breakdown
This story idea is very personal to me. I've always been told, "Write what you know." I know this topic better than most people I know, I can guarantee that. The main character, who I've officially named Abigail, has severe Depression, and deals with her anger in a certain way that I have yet to figure out yet. After all, I'm only in the beginning stages of planning. One day, she 'takes it too far', as most people would say. She eventually ends up at a mental hospital. The story from there on out is going to be based on my experience when I went to a mental hospital last February. The people I met there, the counselors and doctors I spoke to, the way I was treated (not in a bad way, just the way I was treated because of my Depression)--it's all ingraved in my mind, and I want to share it with the world. That's why I want to tell the story of Abigail, becuase she seems like such a complex, yet intriguing character to write about.

Yet To Be Named
This story is not as planned out as Beauty In The Breakdown, but it's still just as fresh in my mind. Only this time, I have not experienced the main characters feelings and situations personally. Basically, the main character, a girl who I haven't yet named, is telling her story about what it's like to live with a disabled sister. I still have to decide what disorder the sister is going to have, but it's either going to be bipolar disorder (manic depression) or schizophrenia. It will not be focused around romance, much unlike my other story ideas, and much like Beauty In The Breakdown. Although, there may be mentions and situations involving romance in both stories.

What do you guys think? :D
November 12th, 2009 at 10:12pm