
People are really bugging me today.I like this website and that it's for writers,like me,but I get sorta tired of people constantly correcting people's mistakes and errors.Apparently,they know that they didn't write it correctly.And i bet that's how they wanted it.I'm into proper grammar as all,but sometimes people go a little overboard.This is just my opinion,but I know that people are gonna disagree with me.I wish that people would keep their comments to themselves at times because it really does put people down.Being fourteen I know that.People have dreams and are supossed to be supported not let down.I'm defiantly here for anyone who needs some cheering up or just want a nice compliment.The point of this website is to help fix others writing,stories,poems and such,but i mean there's a line that can be crossed too.Just to let everyone know,I'm correcting all of my errors because im aggrivavted with getting commented about them.Thanks,again.
November 12th, 2009 at 10:29pm