Friday the Thirtenth!

Okay, soooo this is my first journal entry, and its probably gonna be me just ranting... anyways, here we goooo!!!
and yeah, i know, this has nothing to do with the tittle, but hey, its the date, and i couldn't think of anything more creative! :P

I fucking hate this computer, it was lent to me by my school, cause on my i.e.p. i get a laptop, but this thing is a piece of shit, and its pissing me off, and it won't let me hold down the back space key, i have to press it for each letter i want erased. Also the keys on the keyboard make this annoying sound out of the speakers, and if i want to listen to music while typing, I have to put up with it. I just want to throw this stupid thing down the stairs, and say some senior pushed me and it fell out of my bag!!! ... but I can't :<.
There is a cut on my arm, that I'm afraid is infected, and I don't want to tell my mom, because she's insensitive, and will throw up if she sees the cuts on my arms again, and then ignor it, and pretend that everything in our lives is perfect. Its really starting to hurt, and I have noooo clue what to do about it.
I have been having terrible writers block, and the last few times I've actually been inspired, i sat down, got a couple of chapters for my stories typed up, and WHAM my computer crashes.
I am supposed to be finished this book called 'the chrysalids' for english, but i'm on the tenth chapter, and like my computer, this book pisses me off, and i have to do alot more with it, and im realllly wishing i had chosen to kill a mocking bird, instead of this novel!
Soooo im really frustrated, because my neighbor, who's REAL hot doesn't talk to me, and we're the same age, and he's nice to me in person, but on facebook, he totally ignores me! its just so confusing, and of coarse no one knows him, so none of my friends can help me out with this deli ma! wanna help me out? he he if soooo, then talk to me!!!
Right now, I am watching holes! One of my favorite Disney movies, OF ALL TIME!!!
i think that's all i have to say, anyways, thanks if you took the time to read all problems, well not ALL of my problems, but that's for another day dearies,
Ta ta!
November 14th, 2009 at 05:13am