Me and my teenager instincs

Yet another shitty day . I had a huge fight with my parents because i'm so lazy and blah blah blaaa . I refused to clean my lil brothers room and that makes me a lazyass teenager . He's like 14 , can't he just clean his own fuckin room ? Seriously , he's spoiled .. and my parent well adore him and I have to do things for him . That stupid brat can't even make a sandwich .. seriously is he retarded or something ? So my dad started telling me what do do and well I couldn't help myself , my teenager instincts kick in . Arghh , I really need to relax . I'm thinking about getting a new haircut , maybe add some purple stripes or someting . I really can't decide . It's SOOOO HAARD . I like to change my looks every now and then .. , I want to do something special .
Damn .. , my hand hurts , I keep running against doors and posts and even carbage cans .
November 15th, 2009 at 03:19pm