Welcome to my Nightmares.

"I was dangling over the edge, screaming, kicking, with strangers' hands holding me in place. They almost dropped me right before they brought me back up. It all happened very fast, before I knew it I was on the ground with blood everywhere. I wasn't in my body, I was viewing all this from a different view, but I knew these were my eyes. Everyone was bustling around me now, circling me, trying to figure out what had happened. I could see my body, my chest barely moving, my eyes fighting to stay open. Then it dawned on me that one of these familiar strangers had hurt me, that they were the reason I was fighting. I started screaming, crying, but no one could hear me. I tried to tell one of them to call 911 and do something, anything. but nobody would listen, then I heard them speak. "She killed herself." They said, "She went completely insane." but that wasn't the truth, I was dead because of someone elses hand, and I felt a strange pain in my gut, a strange hurt, hollow feeling. "Are you sure?" There were a few glances around, they all knew that this wasn't the truth, they all knew that it was the black haired girl with the frightened expression that was guilty. But they decided I was the one at fault, that I had killed myself. My chest stopped moving with my hearts last few beats, my eyes finally closing; they rolled me in an old sheet, and discarded my body in the river. And I was gone."

They aren't all like this, but this one seems to really hurt me.
November 16th, 2009 at 11:12pm