Why can't he just tell me how he feels?

Okay, so if you've read any of my previous journals, you'll know that there is this guy that I really, really like. And he's in all of my classes, so we'll pretty much flirt the whole day, but it never gets farther than that. It's been like 2 months now and he still hasn't shown any signs of wanting to ask me out. It sucks though, cuz I'm just sitting here, wondering what he's thinking all day. And I don't want to ask any of his friends because if I'm wrong, then I'll never live it down. I don't want to have one of my friends ask him either, because, honestly, could I make it any more obvious that I totally like him? Ah well. I guess whatever happens, happens. We have a dance coming up really soon, so I'm hoping he'll make a move or something then. But I don't know. I'll have to wait and see...
November 18th, 2009 at 01:45am