emo moment

The more I condemn people on their obvious flaws, the more I have revelations of my own hypocrisy. Usually I would have gotten called out on the matter by now. I think people are taking pity on my own stupidity. How can I tell someone to express their emotions if I constantly hold my own in, how can I call someone else childish when I myself am only a notch above immature? Not too long ago, after receiving a hug, I heard another girl say that she needed a swine flu shot. Of course I over thought the matter and my brain filled in the blank at the end of the sentence with,”…before I ever give you another hug.” I am a pig. Nothing more, and I am covered with mud and debris, yet I flaunt around like I am covered with gold and studded with diamonds. How ignorant must I be to believe that I am above anyone? I am mature enough to “fit-in” with older teenagers but immature enough to try to act older than I am. I am man enough to like females but too much of a child to commit. Though someone hopes I have good qualities to share, their wishes are merely wasted. The fact that I even have friends is preposterous of itself, let alone ones that care. Yet I barely appreciate them enough for them to stay. I need to work on myself before I attempt to work with others. A girlfriend is not what I need, but a sense of logic is.
November 19th, 2009 at 06:59am