Free cookies for everyone !!! YAAAYYY I LUV COOKIES

I'm so sad because I accidentaly broke my Harry Potter DvD collection . I was watching the last part and my vision was blurred because of the tears ( Dymbledore's death U'know ) and I tripped and I fell on my DvD box . No more goregous Draco Malfoy , but belive me my brother dearest is more upset than I am . He is Estonias Nr 1 Potter fan , seriously he even has a cape and a wooden stick , when he was eleven he cried because he didn't get a letter from Hogwarts , I know we are on wierd family . Another thing me and my friend Sky - we want to go to London but we don't have a place to stay . My other friend told me about some kind of host family sites but teh Internet hates me , do you guys know any sites ? If not then ... well I guess we just have to sleep on a park bench . Ohh my , I have always wanted to be a hobo , I have to pack some extra Vodka , then I will be in a happy mood , alllll thheeee TIMEEE hehehee ! Someone sent me a picture of Zac Efron . naked and hairy . My precious eyes .
But farewell for now .
I hope thre aren't as many grammar mistakes as last time - you know I have only learened English about two years so please be kind . You will get a cookie if U are fun ! Okay who am I kidding FREE COOKIES FOR EVERYONE ..YAAAAY
November 19th, 2009 at 06:37pm