Twilight: Vampires, werewolves, craziness?

So, New Moon, the second movie in the book series Twilight is coming out tomorrow. Now, I like to read a lot so I actually did read the whole Twilight series. (For all you who also read it I liked Eclipse the best.) Anyhow, I'm not one of those crazy fans, but I do admit to liking it. The books in my opinion are so, SO much better, and I kind of hated the Twilight movie. I Just don't like the actors/actresses they picked except for a few people. It's just not how I imagined it, but anyway enough about that, I'm excited for this new movie because the director is different. I thought the first movie was poorly done and sowhen they announced a new director doing the new movie, my hope that I lost during the first moive came back to me. I shall see how the movie really does turn out, but keeping it in mind, I'm totally not a movie critic, I'm just simply saying what I like or don't like, I really don't mean to offend anyone!
Anyway, a point I wanted to make is that guys read twilight too and yeah it seems like a weird concept, but guys can read it too, it's not like say cosmo gril which is generally for girls, as stated in the title of the magazine. So why are boys so against it? A friend of my had just finished all of the books and he liked them. He didn't love them like a lot of girls do, but he likes to read and it's a good mystery with some love included....except for the fourth book (Spoiler alert) where a whole lot of love is included and frankly I must say Breaking Dawn was my least favorite book out of all of them. the purpose of me writing this was basically to get other people's opinions about it. like the books hate the movies? Love the movies hate the books? Love or hate both and why? I sound like a teacher! Anyways just thought it would be interesting to talk about this.

Still though, my heart belongs to teh Harry Potter series. I just love, love ,love the books and the movies aren't too bad either. But that's a whole new entry!
November 20th, 2009 at 05:36am