Church gives D.C. ultimatum

I just wrote an article about this, but in the name of journalistic integrity, I maintained a professional tone. So now...I rant.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has made an announcement that, if the D.C. city council passes a law legalizing same-sex marriages within Washington D.C., they will cut off support to all of their social service programs, including their shelters, their health/mental health/dental care programs, some education-related programs, childcare, and more. And all I can think is, WHAT THE FLYING FARK ARE THEY THINKING?!

Yes, it makes TOTAL sense. In the name of GOD, we will cut off support to literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of people in need, because WE MUST STOP TEH GAYZ!!1 I love how they use homeless people, families suffering from abuse/neglect, etc. as their fxcking political leverage to make sure they get to legislate the city's morality. All because, gee, what ever shall we do when the law forces us to be tolerant?!

Except IT ISN'T EVEN DOING THAT. The law explicitly states that the church WILL NOT be required to perform or leave space for same-sex marriages. But still. O NOEZ. THE LAW IS NOT ACTUALLY MAKING US BE SECULAR BUT WE'RE GOING TO BE DRAMA QUEENS ABOUT THIS.

Seriously. Disgusting.

There's speculation on whether they'll actually go through with it, and there are legislators on the city council who have said they will not legislate based on threats, and others saying that the church's social services arm isn't essential to the city's social services infrastructure, but still--tens of thousands of people use these services.

Urgh. I really hate people. And it's especially disgusting that they're so concerned about protecting their religious beliefs that aren't even being threatened, that they're doing God's work by stopping all programs to assist people in need. Yup. I'm sure that's EXACTLY what Jesus' hopes for the future were as he was being nailed to the cross. Apparently, instead of "hate the sin, not the sinner," it's "hate the sin, the sinner, and oh, why not through in a fxckton of people totally unrelated to the sin while we're at it?"

Now if you'll excuse me, I desperately need junk food. I haz an angry.
November 20th, 2009 at 06:25am