today is a rainy day in my world

today was a rainy day i walked to school as the rain poured down on my i saw no familer faces ececpt for one my bff nick but the thing is he doesnt really talk to me =( but i keep going to school i hit the cement of the school yard still the rain poured down on my head i was sad no one to talk to =( but then the bell rain i saw my friends trying to make it in to the door it made me laught theyre alway late wierld a teacher read a picture book to are class and were grade 7s it was about a dog with one eye and a bird that could no longer fly it was an odd story but i listined anyways just to see what it was about but now the school day has ended it is the weekend and im left with nothing to do no homework finished it all at school but now i must go as the rain keeps pouring down on my head for the rest of my life

-hey this is meghan dont think im a really depressing person be cuz im not i just had a bad day but i hope you will read my furtures jurnals and stories and other stuff so -love meghan
November 21st, 2009 at 01:11am