New Moon


Yesterday, I went to see New Moon. It was good, I guess. I was a HUGE fan of the twilight saga books, but no offense, the Twilight movie totally ruined it. Nowadays, I see myself teasing my friends who are in love with Robert Pattinson and mimicking the poor acting of Kristin Stewart and Robert Pattinson.

New Moon is definitely a better movie than Twilight. But it is difficult to change and make a better movie, when the base of the whole saga, Twilight, was a poorly developed movie. The score music throughout the film is effectively used whereas the soundtrack is not. Yes, the soundtrack may be great pop-rock songs, but they do not fit into the visuals in the film.

The drama in the movie would be slightly more interesting if Kristin Stewart would put more emotion into it. Instead we get 2 hours of her muttering and moping through gritted teeth in the same, bored monotone. She attempts to create emotion by putting big gaps in each statement she speaks in. We also get Pattinson standing around with a smirk and delivering casual lines with not much enthusiasm. In just two movies, he becomes a figure that girls swoon over rather than a character that people actually care about.

The acting from Taylor Lautner and the wolf pack was amazing. They look more menacing in their wolf form and human forms. Jacob Black shirtless received much awe from the audience. The transformation from the human to the wolf was stunning. Thumbs up for that.

When Bella and Alice get to Italy, things start to develop and get more interesting. The Volturi's acting is really good and the frightening atmosphere is developed in both the environment and the acting. Dakota Fanning was underused, only saying a couple lines, yet still expressing a terrifying mood.

The end left us with a cliffhanger. Yes, it has great effect on the audience, but is it really necessary? But I guess it makes us all curious in whats going to happen in 'Eclipse'.

Yes, I'm a very picky movie watcher. I like twilight, don't get me wrong, but the first movie was just a letdown for me. This new installment of the Twilight Saga is better and even though I've made so many negative comments, I would recommend it for people to watch.
November 22nd, 2009 at 07:58am