Quotes from school :)

I saw Nat's quotes from school and loved the idea, so I talked to Melanie and we wanted to have one for our class, It's funny how alot of funny, crazy, wierd, awkward things happen at school...


Melanie- "Kathy, sing One Time!"
Kathy- (talks) "One Time"
Melanie' "No, Dont say it Sing! Oh M Gee! Ay Ay Im Justin Bieber, Yo! Me plus You, Me plus You! Oh M Gee! Payce. (mocks Justin Bieber with upside down peace sign)
We look at her wierd, then all start laughing

Mr. Albro starts singing
Melanie- "Mr. Albro, you and Mr. Mike sing alot."
We all laugh
Mr. Albro- "But who sings better, Me or Mr. Mike?"
Everyone starts yelling out names.
Me- (yells) "You! because your a cubs fan!"
Mr. Albro smiles
Melanie- "Im on Mr. Mikes side."

Me and DJ are talking,
Hes telling me that he swears all te time. I dont believe him so I ask Melanie.
Me- "Melanie, have you ever heard DJ swear?"
Melanie- No! DJ you swear?"
Mrs. Supkou walks by and looks at DJ.
DJ- "No! I do not swear...."
We all start laughing.

We are on a field trip, and im bored sitting on the bleachers waiting.
Ms. G walks up to me
Ms. G- "Wheres Mr. Smiley?"
Me- "Oh, he's not here, He didn't come"
Ms. G - "Is there still a Mr. Smiley?"
Me- "Yes there is." I smile.
Ms. G smiles, nods, and walks away.

(My nickname in Mr. Albros class is Smiley, he gave it to me because I smile alot and now thats what I am known as. Mr. Smiley would refer to my boyfriend Nick, Ms. G is always teasing us cause she knows about us.)

We are at Science and we are playing a science game, Girls against Boys.
Or Cows against Pigs. Lol
Nick- Ms. G you can give me a good review and tell my dad."
Ms. G- "Why?"
Nick- "Because my dad took my phone away and I have to earn it back."
Ms. G- Ohh, So that means no more time on the phone with Smiley."
Ms. G smiles and looks at me.
Nick looks at me and smiles
I just smile and look away.

Me- "Uuuggghhh! My hands are all sticky because Ray put lip gloss on me!"
Nick touches my hands.
Nick- "They are not that bad." (sarcasim)
Me- "Oh gosh they are! Im going to go put hand sanitizer on."
I get hand sanitizer and go back to my seat.
Me- "There, they should be better."
Nick touches my hands.
Nick- "I need to go put hand sanitizer on."
Me- "Your soo Mean!"
Nick starts to laugh, I do too.
November 22nd, 2009 at 08:07am