Guess what I did at my sister's wedding reception...

Hello all!

On Friday, my sister got married. And at her reception I did the coolest thing I've ever done in my lifetime.

You guys all know about the Kayne/Taylor thing, right? Well... When the best man was giving his speech about how happy he was for his brother to be married, I interrupted him.

It went like this...

"And I'm just so happy for y-" he says.

And I cut in with, "Hold up, hold up. Alright, now, I'm real happy for ya, and imma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. Of all time."

The whole place erupted into laughter and everyone high fived me. I felt so ninja after that. My sister almost died laughing. She hugs me and says, "You are the bestest little sister ever. That was epic. Infinity life points and gold stars for you!"

And I had to wear the heels of death... My feet are still hurting. :( But, it was a pretty awesome weekend, if you ask me.

Goodbye for the day, Mibba!
November 22nd, 2009 at 06:08pm