Panic! Questions!

I saw this on my buddies profile and hadddddd to do it!

Who Is Your Favorite Member Of The Band?:
Brendon Urie

Why Is The Above Person Your Favorite Member?:
A) He's the best musician I have ever witnessed
B) He's mother-truckin smexi
C) He's so outgoing and wild and crazy!

What Is Your Favorite Song Off Of A Fever You Can't Sweat Out?:
um, Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks

What Is Your Favorite Song Off Of Pretty. Odd.?:
From a Mountain in the Middle of the Cabins

Which Album Do You Prefer?:
I can't pick because there's two!

I always love all their stuff equally!! Plus I have listened to both of them so many times, I just can't wait for the new stuff

Do Prefer Jon Or Brent?:
definately, Mr. Walker

Who's Vocals Are Better Ryan's Or Brendon's?:
Brendon's!!!! duh

I like to say, Brendon was born with it, Ryan learned it.

Is Panic! At The Disco Your Favorite Band?:

When Did You First Discover Panic!?:
My sister got this game called Sing Star, and there was a song called, I Write Sins Not Tragedies on it, I tried it once, and it was fast and i couldn't hold the notes... but I did it over and over again because I loved the song! Then after some research, bought the whole album and here we are.

What Was Your First Song?:
I Write Sins Not Tragedies

What Was Your First Video?:
I Write Sins Not Tragedies (Were you listening to my story?)

What is Your Favorite Panic! Song?:
I would have to say the demo, Oh Glory, because the unknown fascinates me!

What is Your Favorite Video?:
But it's Better if You Do, Brendon's my little actor!

Panic Is Better Live Or On The Albums?:
Whatever I'm in the mood for.

If Your Favorite Is Live, Which Song Do They Perform The Best?:
Northern Downpour, its epic

Have You Seen Them Live?:

If So, How Many Times And During Touring For Which Album?:
Twice! Both for Pretty. Odd, but I got to see them perform as a whole band thankfully.

Have You Heard Any Of Their Covers?:

If So, Which Is Your Favorite?:
Three Little Birds.
November 22nd, 2009 at 07:17pm