What should I do?

Okay, so I was at a dance on Friday and the guy I like was there. No, he didn't ask me to go with him, unfortunately, or even to dance with him. But I did get his number :) I saw him texting and I was like, "Have you been texting the entire time?". And then he just kinda laughed, and so I aksed for his number, and he gave it to me. So then we texted like ALL weekend. I always texted him first, but I don' t know if that matters. I have a limit on how many texts I can have a month, and I used up all of them, so I can't text him anymore, so I gave him my email. That was Saturday. He still hasn't emailed me. I don't know what to do. I really want this to work out into something. I don't know how to play it though. When it comes to guys, I am super clueless and inexperienced. I don't know if I should ask him out, or just flirt with him a lot. I don't know. I'm scared to ask, because I've been hurt before by guys, but I've never felt like this about someone. And, to tell the truth, I'm scared of opening myself up to be hurt. I could really use some advice. It would be much appreciated...
November 23rd, 2009 at 09:27pm