I Cannot Believe My Eyes.

I was reading an article a couple of minutes ago. Now, before I start, you must know, I'm a huge Adam Lambert fan, yes, I love him to death, but even if you hate Adam, this is horribly wrong.

So, I'm looking at Adam's new lyrics for "Music Again" because all in all, it is a cute song, just in the form of a pop-ish song. Any way, these Adam Lambert news articles come up next to facts about him. (His birth date, his age, etc. etc.) It's titled "Fans throw sex toys at American Idol Runner-Up, Adam Lambert." I'm sorry, let me run this passed you one more time; "Fans throw sex toys at American Idol Runner-Up, Adam Lambert."

What?! Are you kidding me? Now, he didn't just tell the media all this. He revealed it after he's off tour for his big new album release today. Turns out, Adam has been dodging sex toys on stage that are being thrown from the crowd.

Look, if you're homophobic, you don't like Adam, or you just straight up don't like gay people in general, that's cool. It's whatever, but you do not do that. It makes me sick and it makes me ashamed to be a part of the human race.

If you don't find this corrupt, I don't know if you have a brain or a heart. That's horrible. He's gotten so much hate from the media and his career has barely started. Why don't we say something about Lady Gaga being a hermaphrodite? Because that's something we don't do? Sexuality is something everyone has a right to. If you're going to be mean, please, I beg you, please keep it to yourself.

Nobody in their right mind should ever throw sex toys at another human in terms of discrimination. That makes me sick.
November 24th, 2009 at 01:10am