Family Drama, Secret Love....oh how Shakespearian!

Okay, well as the title indicates this is a little rant over my family.

I won't bore you with details, but have you ever just felt that someone was digging themselves a hole or starting crap where it is totally unnecessary?
Welcome to my world.

I don't have a very good relationship with any of my...relations, so when my Mother intentionally uncovers drama that should have been (and was) buried a decade ago I just get very...embarrassed and upset.
I just wish my parent's could abandon the old "Eye-for-Eye" attitude and let it rest. I don't have much family left, so I wish that I could at least attempt burying the hatchet and making peace before they pass on or cut me out of their lives entirely.

I cannot mention certain members of my family without the third degree being bestowed upon me, and I sure as hell cannot even entertain a thought that would involve meeting them in the future.
It has been hard enough over the last 6 years to come to terms with my parents divorce, and now I am losing more and more of my family due to unnecessary confrontation. Think Montague/Capulet type prejudice and you have my family.

On top of all of this, I am in the middle of my exams, which are remarkably important and I am coming to terms with my tragic love for someone so outside my circle it would be senile to even make romantic advances.
I am totally hung up over someone who is a complete social outcast and hated by the masses. This isn't a new thing either, I have liked this person for at least a year now, and kept it successfully secret. I am just worried that, out of sheer desperation and insanity, that I will do something stupid to uncover it.

Posting this journal was probably asinine as it is, so I think I will conclude it here.
Any thoughts fellow Mibbians?

P.S. Who else is totally stoked about the new blog feature coming out? I can't wait!
November 24th, 2009 at 07:42am