Moving out // Random things

Hey! Oh my god! Im moving out of my mothers house! Yeah! Awesome i know right? Im getting this small apartment near my colleage and then going to go there. So, that has to be one of the most sexiest thing's i've ever accomplished. >:] Anyways.

I heard this thing was being replaced by blogs. But i dont think that will happen for a while, so i still have my time to make journal entries.

I watched New Moon yesterday at the theater. It was amazing.

Jacob is the finest peice of meat out there in the world. His abs- delicious.

Edward sucks as usual.

Bella's a hoe.

Emmets the second finest peice of meat out there in the world. Emmet + Ash = Ashem <3


Anyways, enough with the twilight, most of you dont even want to hear about my sexual fantisies about twilight, so i wont tell you about them. ;D Spare your life.

Im currently reading: The girl who could fly

Im currently listening to: Skillet <3

Im currently stalking: Taylor Lautner && Emmet Cullen(I fail to remember the actors name)
November 25th, 2009 at 12:02am