Okay um..what should I title it..Hm..

Well as you can tell I have no idea what to name this journal entry.Ahem moving on. I was in Spanish and this kid all of a sudden says,
"Hey ____(I don't really like my name so make on up for me:P) the new Twilight sucked."I turned my head around cause obviously he called my name.So he goes on...
"It sucked really bad and you look like a vampire so you suck."So then i said..
"Thank you."and smiled.(A very little)He said,
"Its not a compliment.."Then he went on about sucking my boyfriend's blood or something..So yeah.He kinda made my day.Even though it was really being made fun of, I would be happy if anyone told me that.Yeah weird..I shall escape the awkwardness!
November 25th, 2009 at 12:15pm