
It has been three days since the first report of the incident happened. For three days, I was spending my time at school, at my friends, and at my computer, seemingly blind of what happened 400 miles away, more or less, from me. I was unaware for three days that, by that time, on Monday, not less than 20 people were found dead in a heavily poured landfill area.

It was not as tragic as it was earlier this day. 57 found dead and counting some were on their vehicles, which were there at that time and was buried too with them. 22 of them and counting, are journalists who came from across the islands of Mindanao. The rest of the count were from one of the prominent families in that area, which were running for political positions in that place.

At first I heard the news, I was shocked, and stared blankly at the television as the words of the news reporter went rapid. Fifty plus bodies found, almost half of them were media, some are lawyers, others are politicians, and none the less, innocent lives, which ended up in a tragic, sorrowful ends.

Due to this event, half of the world raised their attentions and pointed out that our country would be one of the most dangerous places, especially for journalists and media men. I never thought something like this tragedy, would happen, in a land that were once fought for, died for by so many, agreed to be peaceful upon, and once again, shed with blood of both innocent and sinners. I'm scared of what might be the consequences to these events, I'm scared that the wrath of people would be struck upon these people, innocent or not, who has the right to live and express freely. Especially now that things went worse as a clan of politically-powerful family was suspected and thrown with dirt and stains on their names, which would be one of the most annoying things in their lives.

I can't seem to imagine how things would go and how would the people react on these violence caused by hunger in power, corruption, greed and selfishness. What a shame, for I can't do nothing but write words, post it on the web, watch as bodies were unearthed and reveal in the lens of the colleagues of those who died on that spot. What a shame for the people like me who live in this greatly corrupted country, for they can't do anything but stare, pointing their dirty fingers to anyone who would look or smell like they were against the society itself. What a shame for the government who promised the people to whom they "served", to clarify these things, which had been a great cloud on the minds of the people, but won't do anything about it, and would do everything to put it into pointlessness. What a shame for those who ignored every single detail of this tragic event, who looked the other way rather than to stop and think, "AM I really that responsible? Or I'm just doing it for myself, to be justified as righteous and kind, but when things went wrong, I can't do anything but stare at something that could greatly affect the majority?".

If you're a Filipino or a half or has a blood and felt the same way as I am, react, for when you just sit there, laughing at someone else's mistakes, another kid or man would die in the street for annoying and doubtful reasons that could be solved by our good government, another woman, raped for nothingness, another tree, falls out from our forest.

Be aware, not just for yourself, but for those who you love and cherish the most. For you are not the only one living in your SMALL world.
November 25th, 2009 at 06:33pm