Boy Problems.

I am completely frustrated. So, there's this boy in my class, his name is Jason. He's a really nice kid, he's funny and fun to be around. He's chill. But I know he likes me. It's one of those gut feelings and it's not like I'm the only one who's noticed it. He's always playing footsie with me under the table, or touching me, not inappropriately, it's just un-necessary. He flirts with me.

One day, I wore a sticker that had my friend Jackie's name on it. I walked into class and sat down and he sits across from me so he kinda looked at the sticker and at me. He said, "Who's jackie?" And I replied, "A friend." So he asked, "A girlfriend?" "No." And his reply? "Good." It's kind of a 'wtf?' moment, I mean, it's good that I don't have a girlfriend? o.o;

I don't know what to do to discourage him. He knows I'm a lesbian. I'm open about it, especially with my table of kids who I always cook with, him being one of them. I have to see him everyday until the end of January and it's just, I don't know what to do. I don't flirt back. I kinda try to laugh it off but it's gone so far as to my best girl friend becoming my girlfriend so maybe he'd kinda get the hint that I'm not going to change my mind and instantly become 'straight'.

How do you discourage someone without being upfront, or well, rude? I'm not a rude person, and I really don't want to have to be mean because that's not me whatsoever. :/

Any help would be super appreciated. <3
November 25th, 2009 at 09:19pm