NaNoWriMo 2009 - Part 2

So, I'm officially a winner this year!
I wasn't sure I'd manage it to be honest, I'm a lot better at one-shots than long stories and I wasn't certain I'd be able to stretch the plot out so it was long enough.
But, I did it! And before the deadline, too - I've written 50,500 words so far and the deadline is next Monday.
Thank you to all of my friends that told me to write, write, write! and gave me word wars so I wrote quickly.

I'll probably upload some or all of it onto Mibba when I've edited it! I'm not actually keen on the beginning as it's quite slow-starting so I might upload the second half of it, once the story has properly got going!

I'm getting a free proof copy as well. It's quite vain, but I want to own a properly published copy of it, just to remind me that I've done it - completed it - to go with the certificate I have that is going to go on my wall.

Next year, I hope some of you guys do it :) Because the feeling of satisfaction you get at the end of it is amazing.

Once again, I can't believe I completed it!
November 25th, 2009 at 10:00pm