nanowrimo for november

okay okay so im SUPPOSED to be writing my nanowrimo since its almost the end of november but.....i cant!!Im having a serious case of writers block!!!!!EPP!!well only when it comes to that story!!!!GRR not when it comes to this one!!I HAVE NO IDEA WHY BUT IM GOING CRAZY!!!lol its bugging me lyk nothing ive ever dealt with HELP!!its killing me!!im going to dye or something before i finish it!!darn you liv and ur incessant need to tell me about it!!MEGH! o does anybody else lyk hide theirs stories?except for the ones on here and quizzllia i dont let ANYONE read them.not even my brother and hes lyk my twin!!GAH!!i think it hurts his feelings sometimes but he still loves me!!gah i just-i cant show anybody them!their lyk private things!!
November 26th, 2009 at 02:19am